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Ageless Wisdom Principles and Practices
After over 40 years of study, testing and experimenting, these are the principles and practices that I've found make the changes we all want.
And bring a life of health, wealth, love and happiness. Beauty, balance, order and harmony.
On all levels.
Writing for Healing and Recovery
Free-writing aligns body, mind and energy in one direction and allows for the entire being to come into balance. Which is the place to start to get anything we want in life.
(free-drawing can have the same effect)

Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)
Models, techniques and strategies to enable you to learn new ways of being -- with yourself, with your thoughts and with others.
Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence is the ability to perceive, interpret, demonstrate, control, evaluate, and use emotions to communicate with and relate to ourselves and others effectively and constructively.

Emotional freedom technique (EFT) is an alternative treatment for physical pain and emotional distress. It uses meridian points — or energy hot spots — to restore balance to your body’s energy.
Guided Meditations
Simple meditation practices that release negativity and restore the natural state of beauty, balance and order so you can live the life of your heart's desire.

Shirodhara is an ancient Ayurvedic warm oil treatment that restores balance in the entire system, removes negative thoughts and promotes restful sleep.
BOTA Tarot
The BOTA Tarot is the symbolic representation of wisdom teachings. They are not used for divining, but for illuminating the path mastery of the teachings represented on them.
A picture is worth a thousand words.

Reiki is an energy healing technique that promotes relaxation and reduces stress and anxiety. It can balance your energy, support healing and complement other treatments.
Non-violent Communication
Nonviolent Communication is a communication strategy that focuses on honestly expressing your deepest feelings and needs to someone, and being able to empathetically listen to theirs.
It improves and deepens relationships through compassionate exchange.