Shirodhara - Contraindications
Do not do shirodhara if you have
a full stomach
recent neck injury
low blood pressure
extreme emotions, like rage, fury (presently)
severe anxiety, panic or stress (presently)
a brain tumor
abrasions or cuts on the head
rashes on the forehead or scalp
an aversion to oil
a need to talk to someone during the treatment (this is a silent inner journey)
Do not do shirodhara if you are
an alcoholic (presently)
On the day of your treatment:
do not have any alcohol before the treatment
do come with a comfortably empty stomach
If you have any alcohol in the day before the treatment,
or if your stomach is too full,
the treatment cannot be done.
I have read the contraindications listed above, and I certify that I do not presently have any of those disorders nor am I presently in any of those contraindicated conditions.
Client’s name ______________________________________________
Date _____________________________________________________
Turning Point Healing Arts Center * 100B Danbury Road * Suite 101A * Ridgefield CT 06877 * * 203-417-0935
Turning Point Healing Arts Center​
100B Danbury Road * Suite 101A * Ridgefield CT 06877